About children

We sew a cloth teddy bear

As a future mother, sew for your expected baby his first toy.více

Traveling with children
Long travel by car, bus, train or plane becomes for each passenger the worst part of the holiday, but it is the biggest "suffering" for our kids.více
Read stories to children
Listening to tales teaches our children to deal with evil and violence, support their ability to listen and concentrate.více
Beautiful and healthy in pregnancy
Baby that grows in the tummy needs quality food and especially happy and peaceful mom.více
Child and passive smoking
How many cigarettes does your child smoke per day? Your child does not smoke?více
Dietary fiber in the diet of children
Small children often consume a disproportionately large amount of fiber which parents, in the pursuit of the healthiest diet, included into menu.více
Learning disabilities
At present, the increasing attention is paid to a specific learning disorders of children.více
Children with movement disorder
Excessive activity may be classified as a behavioral disorder when it remains as a permanent feature of child's behavior.více
Do not shake or throw your child!
Despite the recommendation of doctors, many parents do not know about it. We can say that in general, the awareness about shaken baby syndrome is low.více
We want to have a baby
Every child has the right to be conceived from a desire, to be joyfully anticipated, to be born and grow up in love and peace.více

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