Kaltenborn's methodology

Kaltenborn's method was created by a group of Norwegian osteopaths, led by Professor Freddy Kaltenborn.
These are exercises that are used mainly to relieve rigid sections of the spine where blockages often repeat.  Regular practice od exercises can effectively prevent blockages.

Compilation consists of three exercises performed in four positions. These provide a targeted movement in the spine section.
Exercises should be performed slowly, consistently in set position.

Swing movements are inappropriate, they can not targeted to a certain segment of the spine and may cause unwanted reflex pressure of muscles. By proper performance of these exercises you can move all segments of the spine, even those that are blocked.
Blockade of the spine is painful and is protected by muscle stiffness – spasm, resulting from the blockade.




1. The neck vertebrae - segments C1- 7

2. Chest vertebrae - segments Th1- 12

3. Lumbar vertebrae – segments - L1 - 5

4. Sacrum

5. Tailbone

LOWER lumbar spine / segment L3 - L5 /

Basic position:

kneeling,  palms based on 30 to 40 cm high surface

A Inhale – move your back up
   B Exhale - bend over ( move your pelvis forward, press buttocks
A Inhale - turn your head, trunk, fingers, tibia to the same side, look over the shoulder to heels.
   Exhale - the starting position
   Alternately to the left, right.
A Inhale - raise your hand, turn your head and trunk to it
   Exhale - the starting position
   C alternately to the left, right 



1 A move your back up
1 B bend over
2 A inhale
3 A inhale
3 C

Central and upper lumbar spine / Segment L1 – L3, switch Th - L /

Basic position:
kneeling, hands in shoulder width on a mat (position on the knees), things, trunk and lower leg form a right angle

1 A Inhale - move your back up
   B Exhale - bend over
2 A Inhale - turn your head, trunk, fingers, tibia to the same side, look over the shoulder to heels.
   Exhale - the starting position

3 A Inhale - raise your hand, turn your head and trunk to it
   Exhale - the starting position



0 basic position
1A Inhale
1B Exhale
2A Inhale
3A Exhale

LOWER chest spine / segments Th8 - 12 /

Starting position:
kneeling on the forearm

A Inhale - move your back up
   B Exhale - bend over
2 A Inhale - turn your head, trunk, fingers, tibia to the same side, look over the shoulder to heels.
   Exhale - the starting position
3 A Inhale - arm shrug  at the elbow, raise your hand, turn head and trunk after it, eyes looking at the palms.
  Exhale - the starting position



0 basic position
1A inhale
1B exhale
2A inhale
3A inhale

Central and upper chest spine / segments Th1 - 8 /


Starting  position:
supported kneeling, head leaning on crossed forearms, in place of a wrists

1 A Inhale - move your back up
   B Exhale - bend over
2 A Inhale- turn lower leg to the one side, look at the heels underneath the armpits
   Exhale - the starting position
3 A Inhale - arm shrug at the elbow, raise your hand, turn your head to the hand, do not lift the head from the position of the crossed forearm, look at the palms

Exhale - the starting position



0 basic position
1A inhale
1B exhale
2A inhale
3A inhale

These exercises are not a substitute for professional medical care or physical therapy. They are designed to complement your treatment for conducting exercises at home and exercises are recommended  only after the consultation with your doctor or physiotherapist.



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