Spinal exercises
Spinal exercises are active exercises, in which breathing is an important part. They are relaxing and significantly contribute to the improvement of the spine.
During the exercise muscle groups along the spine are gradually involved and strengthened, the vertebrae get into the right position and reflexive auto-massage is performed.
The exercises are performed in lying position. In this position the spine is relieved and vertebrae are not pushing on each other. When performing exercises, spine is spirally rotating, it is stretched, movements affects the nervous system and improve blood circulation. The exercise practices each part of the spine separately.
Spinal exercises have their roots in ancient yoga and today they are also called the "crocodile exercises."
The exercise should respect the following principles:
- exercises should be performed only to border of pain
- exercises should be done with eyes closed and concentrate on the spine. It is the best for a feeling of relaxation and awareness of the motion
- from the beginning do not hold your breath, later exercise with breath hold according to the instructions for each exercise
- rotation from one position to another should take 5 seconds
- each exercise should be carried out 3 to 5 times on each side
- it is important to follow the order of exercises, which are arranged in such a way that the rotational movement of the spine is still increasing
- muscles not involved in the movement must remain the most relaxed
- exercises are not recommended for serious disorders of the spine eg. disc herniation, after spinal surgery, so the exercises should be consulted with physician.
Lie on the back, arms slightly away from the body, freely laid on the mat. The whole body relax, close your eyes and breathe freely.
When performing exercises, head movement is always opposite to the movement of the pelvis and legs.
Head – right, pelvis and legs - on the left.
Head - left pelvis and legs - on the right.
When performing the exercises, pelvis should be in position that you nearly lie on yo at the moment, when pelvis movement ends. Shoulder blades should not be lifted from the ground. Movement may not be too quick.
Exercise n.1

The basic position, after several inhales and exhales, hold your breath and slowly turn your head to the right, pelvis and leg to the left, back to the basic position, breathe. The same exercise performed on the opposite side.
Exercise n.2

2 a
The basic position, cross legs so that the right foot is placed on the left / heel of a right foot put between the thumb and second finger of the left leg /. After a few breaths, hold your breath and slowly turn head to the right, pelvis and legs to the left, back to the basic position, breathe. The same exercise performed on the opposite side.
2 b
Cross feet the other way around
Exercise n.3

The basic position, shrug the leg in knee, spread your legs. After a few breaths, hold your breath and slowly turn your head to the right, both knees on the mat, so that the right knee touches the left toe. Back to the basic position, breathe. Perform the same exercise on the opposite side.
Exercise n.4

4a Basic position, shrug the right leg in knee, move it under the stretched knee of left leg. After a few breaths, hold your breath and slowly turn head to the, move your knee over the stretched left leg – twist it to the right. Back to the basic position, breathe.
In the same position, perform exercise on the opposite side.
4 b alternate legs.
Exercise n.5

The basic position, shrug the leg in knee. After a few breaths, hold your breath and slowly turn head to the right, both knees on the mat. Back to starting position, breathe. Perform the same exercise on the opposite side.
Exercise n.6

The basic position, shrug the legs in knees, pull them towards chest. After a few breaths, hold your breath and slowly turn head to the right, both knees on the mat. Back to starting position, breathe. Perform the same exercise on the opposite side.
Exercise n.7

The basic position, take several breaths, hold your breath, slowly turn your head right, right foot over left foot. Back to starting position, breathe. Perform the same exercise on the opposite side, cross left foot over right foot.
These exercises are not a substitute for professional medical care or physical therapy. They are designed to complement your treatment for conducting exercises at home and exercises are recommended only after the consultation with your doctor or physiotherapist.